Bloomfield Soap Box challengers warm up for Consecon event
Administrator | Jul 24, 2014 | Comments 1
Twenty racers between the ages of 5-12 accepted the Mill Street Hill challenge in the annual Bloomfield Soap Box Derby last weekend.
Many enjoyed testing the two new soap box racers created and donated by Picton Home Hardware for the County’s recreation committees use in derbies such as this, and Consecon’s event set for Saturday, August 2. Others used homemade racers.
Trophies were presented in various categories and all the racers received participation medals, ice cream and pizza.
Filed Under: Featured Articles • Sports & Recreation
About the Author:
This is great for the Kids I can remember racing 3 boards 4 wheels and a rope to steer down Prospect Ave. and Ontario St by Kentwood nursing home. We didn’t have aerodynamics brakes or helmets but we went really fast those are big hills..Im not sure who organized those events back then but surely these Kids will have fond memories of their experience too. Great Story..