Afternoon at the Movies organ concert supports hospital build and library expansion
Administrator | Mar 10, 2020 | Comments 0

From left in front of the historic organ at the Picton United Church are Barbara McConnell, chair of the PECMH Foundation, Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMHF, Sandra Foreman, PECMHF board member and sponsor of the event, Tim McGinnis, Picton United Church member, Debra Marshall, chair of the Picton United Church executive committee, Barbara Sweet, Prince Edward County Library CEO and Devon Jones, chair of the library board. – Sue Capon photo
Funds raised at the recent ‘Afternoon at the Movies’ organ concert was music to the ears of two prominent charities.
The hosts of February’s concert, members of the Picton United Church, presented $5,000 in proceeds, split evenly, to the PECMH Foundation for its Back the Build for a new hospital and the Prince Edward County Public Library, for its expansion project at the Picton branch.
The concert was part of Flashback February events happening throughout the County.
Organist Murray Baer brought the pipes of the historic organ to life and wowed approximately 300 guests with music from well known movies including Indiana Jones, Titanic, Pink Panther and many others.
Baer has been a County resident for a few years and continues to fill area churches with the sounds of the organ. Joining him on guitar and vocals was Craig McRae, a resident of Toronto who regularly plays in the County.
McRae serenaded attendees with his voice and guitar with beautiful renditions of Elton John’s “Circle of Life” from the Disney movie The Lion King and Celine Dion’s, “My Heart Will Go On” from the blockbuster movie Titanic.
“The afternoon was inspiring and moving in so many ways,” said Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation. “To see so many people come together to support our new hospital and the Picton library’s planned expansion was truly extraordinary.
“The Picton United Church was filled with people who want to make a difference in the lives of others. We all wanted to sing along with the wonderful songs from so many nostalgic films. We are grateful for the support.”
Prince Edward Counties Library CEO Barbara Sweet agrees.
“I was astounded with the crowd there,” said Sweet. “And not only did we make some money for the expansion, but a lot of people had a very enjoyable afternoon.”
Picton United Church believes a strong hospital and library are benchmarks of a strong community.
“It’s an honour to help Back the Build for a new County hospital and support the Picton Public Library,” said Tim McGinnis on behalf of the Picton United Church, Flashback February committee. “Picton United Church believes in strengthening our community and this concert helped us achieve just that. We were so pleased to be a part of such an incredible event.”
Picton United has been a donor to the hospital campaign for 21 years and with its $6,619 total contribution, will be added to the foundation’s donor wall this fall at the Sponsor level, for gifts totaling $5,000 and over
If you are interested in learning more about the Back the Build Campaign, visit
For more on the Love Your Library campaign to expand the Picton branch, visit
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