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Everything from cows to dogs in the Picton Fair spotlight

The Picton Fair has been a tradition for 176 years and The Prince Edward Agricultural Society strives to showcase the best in beef and dairy cattle, horses, as well as poultry, pigs, ducks and goats. A look at some of the highlights at the 2011 Fair:

-Bill Samuel photo

2011 Picton Fair Dog/Mutt Show Winners

Best In Show: Sophie w/ Kaitlin Mitchell
Smallest Dog: Itsy w/ Liam Ackerman
Biggest Dog: Chance w/ Rick  Mitchell
Longest Ears: Guiness w/ Elle Foley
Shortest Ears: Winston w/ Anna McCluggage
Curliest Hair: Winston w/ Anna McCluggage
Longest Tail: Chance w/ Rick Mitchell
Shortest Tail: Izzy w/ George Stringer
Most Unusual Looking Dog: Daisy Duke w/ Kennedy Brown
Best Trick Performed by Dog w/Child: Maxwell w/ Angus Singer
Best Trick Performed by Dog w/Youth: Maxwell w/ Elora Singer
Best Trick Performed by Dog w/Adult: Dexter w/ Debbie Gadd
Best Costumed Dog: Chance and Bella w/ Rick Mitchell
Best Dog and Owner Dressed in Theme Child: Itsy w/ Liam Ackerman
Best Dog and Owner Dressed in Theme Youth: No entries
Best Dog and Owner Dressed in Theme: Bella and Sophie w/ Kaitlin Mitchell
Youngest Exhibitor: Maxwell w/ Angus Foley
Oldest Exhibitor: Daisy Duke w/ Joan Brown

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  1. Marnie says:

    Donna, I think you are over-simplifying. One of the comments I have heard repeatedly is that senior members of the fair board are not much interested in what newcomers have to say. I was once a member of a volunteer group that brought a new and colourful attraction to the fair for three years in a row. Our appearance at the fair required considerable effort in regards to set up, but the public applauded us and we felt it was worthwhile. The fair board members who assigned us space, however, shoved us off to one side and voiced no appreciation to us whatsoever. Our group stopped coming to the fair. New ideas don’t go far with this fair board.

    I agree that we have some wonderful local talent. I’m sure they could put on a great show and I would not object to buying a reasonably priced ticket to see it. A lot of other people would feel the same, I’m sure. It would be far preferable to yet another Demolition Derby.

    The fair needs new blood, but if the “tired” blood can’t see this, then there is little hope that it will happen. I can say this, for I was, at one time, a member of the fair board. Been there, done that – an exercise in futility.

  2. Donna says:

    I agree that the Fair is a shadow of its former self and more expensive to attend than others in the area. But for those who feel changes should be made, I’m sure that the Agricultural Society would love to hear from you as to what your suggestions might be and how you VOLUNTEER to implement them. Those who work so hard in this endeavour are getting older and perhaps younger blood is needed to infuse new affordable ideas into the mix.

    Marnie, how much extra would you be willing to pay to see the amazing local talent that we have? Certainly you wouldn’t expect all of these people to donate their time?

    As to the lack of exhibits, it cost $5 to enter as many items as you wish and with one 3rd place ribbon in many cases you have made your money back! So please everyone consider entering your handicrafts, produce, flowers, etc. The only way this event is going to grow anywhere near its former size is if we all participate.

  3. Richard Parks says:

    I remember when gas was 11 cents a litre too, but complaining about it doesn’t help. The fair is a bargain compared to most other forms of entertainment. Have you been to a hockey game or movie lately???
    Thanks to all the VOLUNTEERS who work so hard to stage the Fair every year. I’ll be there next year, whatever the cost.

  4. Marnie says:

    I’m with Paul. The admission charge is over the top. The fair should be affordable for everyone and it’s not.

  5. Paul says:

    Well Jason I don’t think I’m dumping on anything,what I’am saying is compared to other fairs in larger centers is the cost of admission seems high. I personally did not attend the fair for that reason. I think its great that your Family had a wonderful time.Soon enough your kids will be over twelve, just imagine the price of admission then Jason..

  6. Jason says:

    Well I think it’s a great deal, I had three kids under 12 that had bracelets that had a blast on Sunday…I’ve heard lost of positives regarding the fair but there always seems to be the negative people that are happy to dump on anything.

  7. Paul says:

    Picton Fair Admission:
    Adult Admission ~ $8:00

    STUDENTS ( AGE 13 -17) ~ $5.00

    Children Under 12 ~ Free

    Thats what I was saying Jason and most children under 12 would be accompanied by an adult..

  8. Jason says:

    Kingston fair- Kids 6-18, $5.
    Belleville Fair is $5 admission for everyone (kids included) and the ride bracelet is $35.
    PEC fair kids are free.
    Hey Paul, you were saying?

  9. Paul says:

    Just a quick note, Kingston Fair Adult Admission $7,Belleville Fair Adults $5 ,Milford Fair Adults $3, Picton Fair Adults $8 just sayin.

  10. Marnie says:

    Picton Fair was a shadow of its former self this year. Certainly, it was not worth the $8. admission charge. There were far fewer commercial exhibits than usual. The midway was small, there were very few vendors and the Crystal Palace was nearly empty. Ed’s Place was a big let-down, too. No doubt we will read the usual newspaper hype about a record attendance but the agricultural society needs to pull up its socks and take a hard look at what is happening to the fair. Instead of a Demolition Derby every year, just once could there be a variety show featuring Prince Edward County talent? Does no one on the fair board ever look for new acts? It’s hardly necessary to print a new program every year – just change the dates and its the same old fair. If trhe agricultural society does not up its game, it is unlikely that the fair will celebrate its 200th anniversary.

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