Award to Prince Edward County Field Naturalists recognizes leadership
Administrator | Jun 12, 2013 | Comments 0
This past weekend, Ontario Nature, a leading conservation organization, recognized exceptional contributions of five individuals and one group to natural habitat protection through the organization’s Conservation Awards.
Naturalists from across the province participated in Ontario Nature’s 82nd annual general meeting and gathering at Cawthra Mulock Nature Reserve. Situated just north of the Oak Ridges Moraine, the reserve’s rolling hills and forested ridges are a refuge for wildlife.
Prince Edward County Field Naturalists won the W.E. Saunders Natural History Award, which is given to an individual or group that has achieved a significant goal related to natural history or natural science research, raising public awareness of natural history, demonstrating local leadership, saving a natural area, or generating conservation funds or publications.
The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists were part of a successful effort to have the south shore of the county designated an Important Bird Area. Recently, the group has been working tirelessly to raise public awareness of the environmental threats posed by proposed wind turbines at Ostrander Point. The group is currently appealing the Ministry of the Environment’s 2012 approval of the Ostrander Point project to the Environmental Review Tribunal.
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