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Are we winning?

Are we winning?

I know our County has problems. I know that County councillors read my columns and say, “Holy s**t! He’s right!” That’s not remotely true, but don’t shatter my dream. With this column, I’m going to discuss a human condition – a problem that exists way beyond our County. Maybe all the way to Madoc, or […]

Why nothing is easy

Why nothing is easy

We are Canadians. If you agree with this premise, let’s move on. We are law-abiding people. We have a very low per capita murder rate, although it’s not zero, so don’t pat yourself on the back yet. We have some criminals, mostly people who like to steal stuff, and that happens pretty much everywhere there’s […]

A Time Out

A Time Out

We are disconnected. What we do in the County is not what we do in the County. We, as a people and as a community, are looking up instead of down. Let me explain. The people of the County have never actually controlled the County. But we did. I know this doesn’t make sense, but […]

Us and Them and Us and Us

Us and Them and Us and Us

There was a day when township councillors solved the concerns of their residents. They got complaints. Lots of them. Dogs barking? Councillors say to the offender: “Stop your dogs from barking.” Problem continues, Council says: “Shut up your dogs or we will shoot them.” This is an imagined situation, but it was pretty much how […]

We done alright

We done alright

I recently had an epiphany. This usually only happens every week, while I’m asleep, and wakes me up at 2 a.m. and inspires me to write. Yes, that’s correct. I am possessed by a really pissed-off spirit who is channelling me to send my columns to you, loaded with observations which could change the world. […]

I am not a robot

I am not a robot

Some people join law enforcement agencies, and capture bad guys who perform ugly crimes. According to TV, they catch them. I’m pretty sure they always catch them, because they can get DNA results in a heartbeat; dental records like the dentist has nothing else to do; and facial recognition at the click of a switch. […]

Screwing with the Government

Screwing with the Government

This is actually the antithesis of this story. By that I mean, I do not screw with the government. If the government asks me to send them money, I send it. I don’t question it, even if I have no idea why I’m doing it. Somewhere there’s a big black chalkboard (or maybe a computer) […]

Work - it's a new game

Work – it’s a new game

I have lived in the County a long time. I remember when parking tickets were sketched onto stone tablets, and stuck to buggy windshields with spit. I probably didn’t need to tell you that, because my point is: Work. I have work, and I enjoy it. I grew up on a farm and had work […]

Should the people decide?

Should the people decide?

I know it’s a while before the municipal election, but I’ll be taking a break from column writing soon, so you’ll be on your own. I encourage you to attend candidates meetings, in which people get to ask pointed questions about County issues. Most of the County will be home watching their favorite TV programs, […]

Who’s going to bell the cat?

Who’s going to bell the cat?

Over the last few columns, I’ve had comments on our cement highway, the problems with STAs and the lack of accommodations for workers, hence a lack of workers available to support our infrastructure. By infrastructure, I mean the things that make us tick. Lots of tourists; lots of businesses to greet them. Lots of businesses […]

OPP reports
lottery winners
Elizabeth Crombie Janice-Lewandoski
Home Hardware Picton Sharon Armitage

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