Council to decide fate of failed sale by public tender properties
Administrator | Oct 14, 2015 | Comments 0
Outstanding taxes of $17,680 from three Sale by Public Tender properties may be written off as uncollectible with a recommendation that two be declared surplus and sold and one be merged with property the County currently owns.
Council is to receive a report of the Corporate Services and Finance Commission regarding Sale of Lands by Public Tender at Thursday’s Committee of the Whole meeting.
The total amount of taxes, penalties and adjustments to be written off is $17,680.34.
The municipality advertised six properties for sale by Public Tender, closing Sept. 10. No Tenders were received for three properties. The sale of one property was was cancelled after the opening of the Tenders on Sept. 10th, as the current property owner paid the cancellation price in full prior to the conveyance of this property at the Land Registry Office.
The three properties to be considered are parcels of land zoned Environment Protection – Provincially Significant Wetland. The zoning does not permit building permits, re-zoning or severances.
One recommended to be sold also has no access to a public or private road or a right-of-way (land locked).
Staff recommends the third property merge with the adjacent property currently owned by the municipality as it is a land locked waterfront property that fronts the Ould Development in Hillier ward. The property is 2,178 sq. ft. and does not have access to a public or private road or right of way. It is also within the Environmental Protection Zone and the zoning and size of the property does not allow for development.
Filed Under: Local News
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