COVID-19 assessment centres – opening by appointment only
Administrator | Apr 03, 2020 | Comments 0
COVID-19 assessment centres are opening in the Quinte area – including one in Picton – but health care officials are stressing they are by appointment only. The other is located in Belleville, and one is soon to be set up in North Hastings.
As of Friday, April 3, there were 17 lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hastings Prince Edward County and 271 probable cases.
Residents are reporting tents being set up, but Rowe said the locations are not being advertised as they do not want people showing up without appointments.
“Eighty per cent of people with this virus have mild to moderate symptoms, need to isolate themselves at home, and do not need to be tested for the virus,” said Susan Rowe, communications at Quinte Health Care.
If you are able, do the online assessment.
“Call your Health Care provider, Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000, or Hastings Prince Edward Public Health at 613-966-5500; TTY 711; 1-800-267-2803.
If told by Public Health or Telehealth Ontario to seek additional care after being screened, contact the central COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) hotline at 613-961-5544. Health Care providers can refer directly to the assessment centres (no need for the patient to contact the hotline if being referred by a primary care provider).
Individuals deemed to have moderate symptoms will be scheduled for a virtual consultation with a doctor (either over the phone or online) or scheduled for an on-site appointment at a local COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC). Not all appointments at a CAC will result in swabbing/testing – only those meeting the Ministry of Health criteria.
Individuals deemed to have severe symptoms, requiring hospital-level care, will be sent to the hospital.
“If you can’t get through the screening process and your symptoms are severe, causing difficulty breathing, call an ambulance or go to the hospital emergency department,” said Rowe.
For general information about COVID-19 including symptoms, tips for self-isolation or number of cases locally, click here to visit the Hastings Prince Edward Public Health website.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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