Dragon Boat racers help Lions support sports, healthy projects
Administrator | Aug 14, 2010 | Comments 0
Three hundred fifty participants paddled their way through heats of competition at the 4th annual Wellington and District Lions Club Dragon Boat Races on the weekend at the Wellington Harbour.
“The County bed and breakfasts were thrilled with this event,” said Race chairman Rob MacCallum, noting 16 teams of 20 paddlers signed up this year. Last year there were nine teams. “There were so many this year, some had to stay in Belleville.”Teams pay $600 per crew to participate in the 250-metre sprint. MacCallum said funds raised help the “Lions support sports and healthy projects.” Recently the club members presented $4,000 to the new Wellington Community Centre project and $1,000 to the CML Snider school track association.
A ‘Carnation Ceremony’ was held after the day’s second heat to remember those lost to breast cancer. The Lions also honoured the late Larry Brundage, one of the people responsible for bringing dragon boating to the County. He passed away this summer. Mr. Brundage was the club’s race starter since the inception of the sport here. The new County Cup was presented in his honour. The day ended with a barbecue hosted by the United Church and the Wellington Legion.
RESULTS: CLUB CHALLENGE Champions: Quinte Miles Ahead
Runner – ups: Quinte Sonpowered Paddlers
COMMUNITY COUNTY CUP: Champions: Inwood Family Renegades
Runner-ups: Wellington Rotary Club
BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR CHALLENGE Champions: Kingston Pink Sensations
Runner-ups: Survivor Thrivers.
The Wellington Lions’ “Top Dawgs” now have 32 registered Dragon Boat Club members from the County. The public is welcome to join them for a free tryout paddle on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in the Wellington Harbour.
The races are on today as 16 teams of 20 people compete in the 4th annual Wellington and District Lions Club Dragon Boat Festival, at Wellington Harbour. Five community teams, five breast cancer survivor teams and six teams from dragon boat clubs are racing at this year’s event. Above, Race Chairman Rob MacCallum steers reigning champs paddling the Wellington on the Lake boat.
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