Dramatic performances focus on bullying awareness
Administrator | Nov 23, 2015 | Comments 0
By Roanna Kitchen
A dramatic presentation last week at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute focused on bullying, awareness and prevention.
The sixth annual Bullying Awareness Assembly included a dramatic presentation organized by teacher Matthew Sheahan to encourage learning about the effects, forms, causes and solutions to bullying.
Sheahan explained how he was once, “both the bully and the victim” so he understands both sides of the equation.
“I’m a realist and know that a show won’t drastically change the world over night, but it will hopefully make people, specifically PECI students, think and question their actions and put things in perspective,” he said.
For the presentation, his Grade 11 drama students were required to produce a collective creation around the concept of bullying.
“This type of drama is a series of different styles of scenes that are tied together by a topic. It explores this concept without using a cohesive storyline,” said Sheehan.
Examples on stage included a group of female participants who used the viral video, “If He Loves You, He’ll Beat You” to create their scene. Another group generated a how-to video about being a bystander to bullying.
Participant Kirstie Ross said the presentation touched on, “more than just typical shoving on the playground type of bullying.”
Students at Hastings and Prince Edward schools were encouraged to “Say One Nice Thing” during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week.
Two slogans were included in the second annual event. “Help someone feel included …Say One Nice Thing” and “Help someone feel like they belong …Say One Nice Thing”.
“Say One Nice Thing highlights our commitment to promoting well-being throughout the organization. Although it is being launched during Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week, it’s really meant to run throughout the whole year,” said Mark Fisher, Superintendent of Education.
Photos courtesy Matthew Sheehan
Filed Under: Featured Articles • Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board • PECI - It's a Panther Thing
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