Duty calls as firefighters to receive prestigious honour
Administrator | Jan 28, 2011 | Comments 1
Prestigious honours for 10 Prince Edward County firefighters were delayed slightly last night as three of the men were at a home on West Lake Road doing precisely what they were being honoured for – using their knowledge and training to fight a fire.
The PEC Fire Department’s District Chiefs meeting Thursday night honoured 10 firefighters with certificates, honouring successful completion of the prestigious Ontario Fire Marshall’s examination of firefighting knowledge.
“I commend each of every one of you on this achievement,” said Dan Koroscil, Fire Advisor from the Office of the Fire Marshal. “There are not that many in the province of Ontario that have achieved this milestone.”
The accomplishment is the result of training in their respective fire districts, combined with 40-hour Module A and 40-hour Module B courses and training at the Hastings Prince Edward Training Complex at Trenton. Both courses also require more than 30 hours of pre-course study preparation.
Hallowell hall firefighters were called to duty at about 4:43 p.m. Thursday to put out a first-floor fire at a home on West Lake Road. The homeowner had returned to his residence, saw the smoke and made the call from a neighbour’s home. The fire was contained on the first floor and the cause remains under investigation, but is not suspicious. Damage is estimated at about $75,000.
Investigating firefighter Jim Young was the last to clear the scene at about 7 p.m. and was unable to receive his framed certificate at the ceremony. Firefighters Steve Everall and Wes Manlow were delayed slightly, but were able to receive full honours – amidst co-workers, family and friends – along with Steve Dawson, Bob Downey, Timothy Jones, Tim Karemer, Bryan Markland, Jeremy Prinzen and Jason Young.
Being interrupted during family functions, dinner, special occasions and the middle of the night is a regular occurrence for Prince Edward County’s firefighters.
Mayor Peter Mertens told the gathering he was honoured to take part in the special evening and bring greetings from the County.
“We are proud in Prince Edward County, of our firefighters,” he said. “We are proud of what you do for us every day of the week. We’re pleased to recognize this achievement completed on top of your responsibilities, and families and work. Setting aside time for this, is really commendable.”
PEC Fire Chief Scott Manlow said the effort speaks volumes about the dedication of the firefighters.
“I am extremely proud of the personal time commitment and effort that these individuals put forward in going the extra mile to take the course and write this challenging exam.”
“It was just three years ago the Prince Edward County fire Department adopted the Ontario Fire Fighter Curriculum as our training program,” said Deputy Fire Chief Robert Rutter. “This is a very significant achievement. It is the meat and potatoes of the fire fighting business. They were ready for the challenge of the provincial exam. Our thanks too, to their families, for their support. It is appreciated.”
Susan Turnbull, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Finance, brought greetings from PEC staff, and congratulated the firefighters on reaching the impressive milestone.
Filed Under: Local News
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Congratulations! We are lucky to have you here in Prince Edward County. Thank you for your dedication.