Elks’ request for tax reduction not supported as the clubs are not charities
Administrator | Oct 26, 2017 | Comments 0
Prince Edward County council has turned down a request from the Picton and Wellington Elks clubs for a reduction in their taxes, as they are not registered charities and do not qualify for the 40 per cent Charitable Rebate under the bylaw.
Though some councillors expressed interest in supporting the request as the clubs inject thousands of dollars into the community, others felt it would launch calls from numerous organizations.
Many municipalities, historically, have recognized the Royal Canadian Legion as an exemption for land used as a memorial home, clubhouse or athletic grounds used and occupied by people who served in the armed forces in any war. The County had granted the Legion a 100 per cent rebate.
Organizations applying must be an eligible charity as defined in the Income Tax Act and own or occupy property in a commercial or industrial property class.
Both the Picton and Wellington Elks organizations are within residential property tax classes.
Filed Under: Local News
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