Feeding parking meters helps feed children
Administrator | Dec 05, 2012 | Comments 7
Downtown parking is now free during the holiday shopping season in Picton, Belleville and Trenton, however, motorists are invited to put their change in the meter as a donation to Food for Learning.
All proceeds are being returned to the schools in the communities where the funds were raised to be used to purchase groceries for meal and snack programs.
In last year’s third annual event, $3,465 was raised in Picton.
Food for Learning programs in local public and Catholic schools minimize hunger by providing breakfast, snack and lunch programs which offer access to healthy food students need to learn, grow and thrive.
“We know that children learn better when they are properly nourished. By providing a breakfast, snack or lunch to a student who would otherwise go without, we help improve their ability to concentrate and focus on their learning, leading to increased chance of success at school,” says Maribeth deSnoo, Executive Director of The Hastings and Prince Edward Learning Foundation. “The benefits of participating in a student nutrition program are immeasurable. Many students depend on our programs for their daily nutrition. Feed the Meter allows us to continue to provide quality food choices for all students.”
This school year, 151 breakfast, lunch and snack programs are being offered in schools throughout Hastings and Prince Edward counties. Between September and June, 700,000 meals and snacks will be served to more than 11,000 children and youth.
The Feed the Meter campaign is supported in Picton by Prinzen Ford in Bloomfield, and Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture and Rotary Club of Picton.
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
All the part time firefighters were at the meetings for them and they are well informed, they had the chanse to voice how they feel.
1. Not the majority
2. No one has asked all of the firefighters
3. No, it is a land use planning issue and a cost effectiveness issue among others.
4. Attended the public info meeting as the first opportunity to gather info for study.
1. John would these part time firefighters be farmers aswell?
2. Did you ask all the firefighter in Prince Edward County (134)?
3. Would this be a territorial issues with the Firefighter that are supporting you and are they using the PEC Federation of Agriculture to prevent this from going ahead?
4. Were you at the public meeting and voice your concerns?
Mike, I do not have a problem with our very excellent fire department. I think everyone appreciates their hard work, dedication and effectiveness.
On behalf of the PEC Federation of Agriculture, I have made a deputation asking for the preferred choice in the Master Fire Plan to be revised in order to:
– be more economical by going with the 10 station option
– ensure that a 12 bay station is not built on Prime Agricultural land.
Our board of directors plan to continue with this lobby effort which is also supported by a number of the Firefighters. I hope this is clear.
Cheers and best wishes for the holiday season.
John do you have a problem with the fire department!!!!
Yes, a feed the meter program could operate year round. In that event, it would probably work best to revert to timed meters and parking fines in order to keep spaces opening up.
Council could find more funding than required for this by being more prudent with their Capital spending plans for the Fire department.
Is there a good reason that the feed the meter program , could not be used year round ? There is enough proof that children are more attentive and able to concentrate when they are not hungry. Let alone the fact … Children are HUNGRY. I for one would be happy to pay extra knowing where the change goes ! What about this and other charities sharing through the year ? There are Hungry Seniors Too !?