Millennium trail detour in Wellington
Administrator | Aug 29, 2024 | Comments 2
Millennium Trail users in Wellington will detour through the town during September as work is related to the Wellington water and sewer trunk construction project is to begin Sept. 3.
During tree removal and brushing over several weeks, the trail will be closed between Belleville and Consecon streets. Trail users will be directed around the closure via Consecon Street, 2nd Avenue, West, Niles and Belleville streets.
A road lane closure continues to be in place on Prince Edward Drive and traffic is controlled by signal lights on Wellington Main and Prince Edward Drive. Access to Wellington on the Lake via Prince Edward Drive is being maintained with one lane of traffic during this phase.
The new trunk watermain was determined to be required to meet the water distribution and storage needs of the existing residents and future development within the Wellington and the new sewer trunks are to accommodate the anticipated increase in wastewater flows from new developments.
The new trunks will be constructed from the location of the existing water and wastewater treatments plants to the east along Wellington Main Street, north on Cleminson Street, east along the Millennium Trail and then connect to the new water tower on Belleville Street.
A watermain upgrade will be completed starting at Prince Edward Drive and Elmdale Street, going south to Wellington Main Street, and west along Wellington Main Street to the treatment plant.
The project also includes a new sanitary pumping station located on the Millennium Trail near the intersection with West Street. This pumping station is a component of the new trunk sanitary sewer.
The municipality expects to complete the project by the end of 2025.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
About the Author:
The Millennium Trail will never ever be what it is today. The Trail where the pipe will be buried is lush with flora and fauna. I plan to take pictures and videos in the next day or two of the Trail where we walk our Yorkie, just steps from where we live at the top of West Street where the planned pump station will reside.
One wonders if the County policy of tree replacement (i.e. two trees for every one cut down) will be implemented here. Rumour has it that in the past there was no budget for tree replacement…