No-passing signs and speed limit reduction proposed for County Road 1 at Hwy 62 intersection
Administrator | Feb 20, 2020 | Comments 11
The posting of no-passing signs, and approval to reduce the speed limit to 70km/h from 80km/h on a two 500m portions of County Road 1 just east and west of the Hwy. 62 intersection will come before council March 10.
Consideration for the speed reduction for 500m east and west was brought by the Traffic Committee to Council’s Committee of the Whole Thursday.
The report notes that in the last year, the Ministry of Transportation installed illumination at the intersection as well as an overhead amber beacon, to help alert drivers to the upcoming intersection. The County also has a red beacon mounted on top of both stop signs, to alert drivers of the upcoming stop sign when it is dark out.
Staff did not agree with a associated request to lower the 80km/h speed limit from Matthie Road to 500 east of Highway 62.
Council meets March 10.
Filed Under: Local News
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How about lower speed limits with cameras?
For the last several years I have contacted both my councillor and the public works dept. about the speeding on County Rd. 15 – through Northport it is posted as 50 kph. From time to time, the police monitor- last summer a policeman told me that he just pulled a person over for doing 105 kph!! GIven the lack of sidewalks, curves in the road and probably one of the best roads in the County – it is only a matter of time for a serious accident to occur. Other than test periods for digital speed signs, no other speed controls have been tired here.
I have 2 pick-axes and lots of shovels – anyone wanting to either bring their pot holes over to Cty. Rd,. 15 or wanting to dig a few in front of my place – I will happily provide the equipment!
Funny I have been asking for them to put school signs up in Wellington on highway 33 for 4 yrs now… We have children playing signs Nothing to let traffic know there is a school ahead .. not sure what it takes .. There are school signs sitting in Bloomfield and no school… They have had a crosswalk and had a crossing guard in Bloomfield … We do not have school ahead or proper signs on the Highway .. Are we waiting for an accident here for God Sake .. If I hear we are doing a study one more time.STUDY WHO IS DOING IT AND WHAT IS THE HOLD UP . How slow are these people that they can’t put up signs that are needed COME TO WELLINGTON AT 3 O CLOCK AND SEE WHAT GOES ON .. SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN
Simple. You realign both sides of Cty Rd 1 with a sharp curve that brings the road at right angles to Hwy 62. Slows traffic naturally and provides clear views(not on angle) to oncoming traffic. We used to have the same issue at Sandy Hook and Schoharie road meeting Hwy.33 which resulted in multiple deaths prior to the roundabout. It’s not that hard to accomplish.
Really! This will not stop the tourists from going through the Stop sign. The many accidents last summer were during tourist season. So far this year there haven’t been any accidents. Put an OPP Cruiser on the corner periodically during tourist season. Only need to look at the stats to see where the problem is. More signs at the intersection just translates to more reading of said signs and another one goes through the stop sign!!
I’d much rather see someone driving at 100KpH+ and paying attention than the majority of people I see driving 70 or 80 and oblivious to their surrounding. The only thing that needs to change is drivers need to pay attention and know how to handle their vehicle. There is no need to lower the limit or add signs.
This all comes down to people not paying attention and not taking the responsibility of operating a motor vehicle seriously. The same goes for the town hill.
The miracle is that there are not more accidents. If you wait at an intersection a second too long to be sure the way is clear it is certain that some mindless driver behind you will honk the horn. Why are we in such a hurry? The speed limit means nothing to some of these motorists. They regard it as merely a suggestion, not the law.
It is legal to pass on a solid line, just a warnning as not advisable.
Honestly, all speed limit signs should be reduced by 20 kph, as people are CONSISTENTLY driving 20 kph OVER the maximum limit. 100kph on HWY 62 is insane. People need to slow down.
No passing signs would be helpful on other spots on County Rd 1. Despite solid lines, I am often passed by other vehicles. Speeding, of course, even if I speed up to 10 Km over limit. Once was passed on incline of hill, solid line. Cars came over the hill and the vehicle was forced onto the shoulder of the oncoming traffic. (near “Land&Bog”)