One licence suspension over New Year’s
Administrator | Jan 01, 2018 | Comments 0
A driver who appeared to try to avoid a RIDE check on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve ended up with a three-day licence suspension
Prince Edward detachment OPP officers were conducting a RIDE check in Consecon, Sunday.
Prince Edward OPP Constable Kim Guthrie reported that at 3:30 p.m., a vehicle appeared to turn around before reaching the RIDE location causing officers to initiate a traffic stop to investigate the vehicle driver further.
Speaking with the driver, the officers suspected he had been consuming alcohol and conducted a roadside alcotest, which registered an ‘Alert’ reading.
This resulted in an automatic three-day licence suspension for a 41-year-old man from the Marmora area. His vehicle was removed from the scene.
No other impaired driving incidents were reported in Prince Edward County over the New Year’s weekend.
Filed Under: Local News
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