OPP program helping Keep County Kids Warm
Administrator | Nov 10, 2020 | Comments 0

Distributing Keep Kids Warm program coats, boots, hats and mittens, and thanking sponsors, from left, are: Barb Sills, Jamie Yeo (Picton Sobey’s), Bill Roberts (Sophiasburgh councillor) and Constable Aaron Miller.
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Prince Edward County Detachment and volunteers are distributing outdoors clothing this week for participants in the Keep Kids Warm program.
“Thanks to the hard work of volunteers and generous donations from businesses and community members, approximately 65 children will be receiving snowsuits, boots, mittens and hats just in time for the colder weather,” said Const. Aaron Miller.
He notes the detachment gives special thanks to Jamie Yeo and staff at Picton Sobey’s, David Hepburn with ‘Many Happy Returns’ and JC Automotive for generous donations and ongoing support of the program.
“Additionally, we would like to thank all the donors and hardworking volunteers who continue to make this program possible,” said Miller.
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