Partnership gets water-saving tip sheet out to invite everybody to do their part
Administrator | Aug 09, 2016 | Comments 2
With a severe low-level water condition in place in the region, the Quinte Landlords Association, in partnership with Quinte Conservation, is challenging everybody to do their part in conserving water.

Water Warriors. Quinte Landlord’s Association President Robert Gentile and Quinte Conservation General Manager Terry Murphy urge all landlords to get this water savings tip sheet into the hands of thousands of tenants.
The association joined forces with Quinte Conservation to educate both landlords and the thousands of tenants in the region how to help conserve the local watershed. The association is
distributing the conservation authorities’ water savings tip sheet to all of its members and asking that they be put in the hands of tenants. They are also calling on non-member landlords to do the same.
“We’re asking all landlords to get this tip sheet widely distributed,” said Robert Gentile, association president. “Email them, hand deliver, slip them under the doors, post them in the hallways, everywhere. Thousands of Quinte residents are renters and may not be aware how much they can collectively make a difference. As landlords we have the ability to deliver this message to them directly.”
Since the severe water condition was declared last week, Quinte Conservation has requested all residents and businesses reduce water usage by 50 per cent.
“The average Canadian household uses over 500,000 litres of water per year, with some estimates showing at least 50 per cent of water use is unnecessary and wasteful.
The average person in Ontario uses 285 litres of water a day. In the summer months, 50 per cent of household water is used in the lawn and garden. The greatest water uses in an average home are:
• toilet (45%)
• showers (30%)
• laundry (20%)
• drinking and cooking (5%)
“This is a great partnership with Quinte Landlords to get the message out to a lot of residents,” said Terry Murphy, Quinte Conservation’s General Manager. “We have 125,000 people living in our watershed and if everyone does a little bit it means a big deal to the water supply. The tips may appear minor but if everyone is doing them they all add up to make a big difference.”
“Our message is not only about conserving water, but to help people understand the consequences if we run out. We get calls from people all the time who are on wells that have gone dry and they have kids. So when they drive by and see people watering their lawns they are getting really frustrated.”
“We’re not saying stop using water, we’re saying use it wisely. For example if you have a small veggie garden, water it at night so it doesn’t evaporate and is better for the plants. During the day the sun evaporates it quickly and burns the plants.”
For Gentile, water wastage is personal. He says he’s always been a water miser since he grew up on a farm where everyone knew the well could go dry.
“I see people all the time doing absolutely ridiculous things which wastes water. Letting the tap run full blast when doing dishes or brushing teeth, hosing down the driveway, taking 30 minute showers, letting a leaky toilet go on for months. Honestly, people need a slap upside the head to get some common sense and think about the impact of their actions.”
Filed Under: Local News
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Love this article, I have been doing most of these things all summer and indeed most of my life. I am on well water and have learned never to take it for granted. Never ran out but there is always a first time. One tip that I use that wasn’t included in the article ….I take a couple of buckets in the shower with me and let them catch the water as I am showering. Then use it for flushing the toilet or watering the garden. Keep up the good work people, no sense in complaining let’s just make the best of it.
This should really sell particularly with youth when the President says honestly people need a slap upside the head!