PC candidate brings ‘Wheel of Tax’ to Picton
Administrator | Aug 26, 2011 | Comments 11

Prince Edward Hastings PC candidate Todd Smith and Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh brought the Dalton McGuinty Wheel of Tax to Picton Wednesday.
Prince Edward Hastings candidate Todd Smith and Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh unveiled the Dalton McGuinty Wheel of Tax downtown Picton Wednesday.
“No matter what the wheel lands on, Ontario families will lose with the Tax Man,” said Smith. “Ontario families have been clear: It’s time to stop the Wheel of Tax once and for all.”
“In each of the last two elections, the Tax Man has solemly vowed not to raise taxes, only to break his promise with sneaky eco-taxes, the health tax and the HST tax grab,” said Chudleigh. “Dalton McGuinty and his ministers have since dropped hints that a massive new carbon tax might be next for Ontario families.”
Smith said a Tim Hudak government will give families tax relief by removing the HST and Debt Retirement Charge from home heating and hydro bills; lowering income taxes five per cent on the first $75,000 of taxable income; allow income sharing and ending the “sneaky” eco-tax grab.
Filed Under: Local News
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Well Donna ,
Then what we should do is look at controlling population growth in our country. Perhaps have a one child per family scenario , end immigration as well.
Since 1967 our population has increased from 10 Million to 34 Million. That’s a huge increase.
We should look at protecting all our resources for the future generations of Canadians and stop selling them to other contries.
It belongs to them anyway.
End NAFTA today.
And move to a natural slow growth self sustaining economy.
Shouldn’t we do something about Air travel and Shipping ? And Ocean Transport ?
Then we also have industries like concrete and steel and plastics , we should really go after these as well.
They are huge polluters.
We should make our trees a protected species , afterall deforestation is key to clean air and our oxygen.
As far as electricity goes in Ontario , since we all want a cleaner planet , then how we do it shouldn’t matter.
Lets take the Billions going to provide entrenching business selling us power at a profit and use this money to provide grants and subsidies..meaninful subsidies , to homes , businesses and farmers so they can adopt alternate energy. As a collective .
Lets take the profit right out of the equation..we don’t need them.
This will reduce our need to BUY power and as you say reduce emissions as this is so important as you claim.
Can you imagine the local jobs that could be created. Long term jobs in sales , manufacturing , installation and service ?……all those rooftops that could house solar!..Geothermal heating and cooling.
We could build small power plants that burn our garbage as well.,Owned by the ratepayers themselves .
Forget GAS.
Lets lobby for this today.
As far as what the “world” thinks of Canada…I really don’t care.
You are only respected when you give free money.
2% globally puts Canada at #7 out of 216 countries for CO2. Shameful! Canada ranks 15th out of 17 countries for total GHG emissions per capita earning a ‘D’ grade. Not a record to be proud of or to set a good example!
Canada’s GHG emissions grew 24% between 1990 and 2008.
The largest contributor to Canada’s GHG emissions is the energy sector including power generation (heat and electricity) and transportation. It seems that there needs to be a change in our type of power generation. Renewable energy comes to mind!
So some guy driving a Maserati in Mumbai that lives in a 20,000 square foot home pollutes less than some poor native up north ?
You make this a per capita issue when it is not an individual issue at all.
All of Canada contributes a mere 2% of the GHG emissions globally.
of this 2% , 12% comes from all transportation , 22-24% of this 2% comes from the Oil Sands.
Energy use breaks down this way
Business uses 70% , homes 30%
And Donna , I am sorry I did not mean your views are idiotic….it was not directed at your comment.
I see how I may have offended you I do apologize , as I can see how that may have appeared to be the case.
FYI CO2 IS a greenhouse gas, Ernest. If you want to examine GHGs then, Canada ranks worse than even the US!
Canada: 12th; United States: 14th; China: 121st; India: 162nd.
I stand by my post! It’s all about ‘entitlement’ in the western world. We want to maintain our big footprint lifestyles with no regard for the rest of the world.
It’s not CO2..it’s GHGs now……..they have changed it.
That’s very compelling unless you know that these claims are just modeling . I’ll stand with my first post thanks.
Ernest! Which planet do you live on? Wake up and smell the CO2!! How can you possibly say that Canadians are not part of the problem in climate change??!!
On a per capita basis, Australia, United States, and Canada are 3 of the WORST CO2 producers in the world! Compared to Canada, China has 1/3 of the CO2 output per capita and India is less than 10% per capita.
So in effect what you are saying is that you believe that YOU are entitled to emit more CO2 than someone who lives in China or India. Ah, the entitlement of the western world!
The reality is that if we expect to be able to say to other countries, big and small, “There is a pressing need to control CO2 emissions” then WE need to be prepared to set a good example. Otherwise, we will be either ignored or worse, ridiculed (which is the case now with our Conservative government).
Canada has a population of just 34 Million.
China is at 1.3 BILLION , India has 1.5 BILLION , Africa has 1 BILLION , our entire population is the size of Tokyo and it’s suburbs.
WE..are NOT destroying the environment.
At what point do we realize that it is the Corporate World that promotes this thought , using ECO Industries to push their cause by paying them to say this and promote this belief.
Corporate Welfare.
I guess if you say something a certain way using the right words you make most idiotic statements and assertions true in peoples minds.
I wish people did their reseach …this kind of nosense would be put to rest much quicker.
What we do has no bearing on what other countries do.
WE , we Canadians are NOT destroying the environment.
There is no possible way Hudak can balance a budget with the promises he is making. He comes out with all the things that will grab the uninformed vote. I think he would promise anything if it meant gaining power. Extreme right wing politics that makes Mike Harris look like a moderate. Get ready for the cuts to healthcare and more privatization of the system. I think he will get elected as so many blindly follow the perks he is throwing their way.I only have to look at Harper being elected after conducting some of the worst scams and scandals in history. Imagine spending 1.2 BILLION on a G8 summit that accomplishes squat. And Clement runs off with 50 million of the taxpayers coin for his riding. So Ontarians say let’s have some more.
We know how these Conservatives work. Lower taxes, increased spending and massive debt increases. Despite good economic times the last Conservative government in Ontario set new records for spending, asset sales and debt accumulation.
And at the federal level they fiddled while Ontario’s economy burned under a high dollar policy.
Hudak – mortgaging your childern’s future to get elected
Oh, so we shouldn’t have to own up to our destruction of the environment?! We shouldn’t have to make a sacrifice to help fix the mess we’ve made?! We shouldn’t have to think of future generations?! Now THAT’s responsible government! ;-(