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PE Fed of Agriculture awards two student bursaries

PEFA director Bruce Walt presented $500 to Mario Spinosa and Shae Lynn Bell this week.

The Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture (PEFA) presented its annual post-secondary bursary to two County students involved in the agriculture industry.

PEFA director Bruce Walt presented $500 to Mario Spinosa and Shae Lynn Bell this week.

“Both Mario and Shae-Lynn are perfect examples of the next generation being ready and willing to continue to grow the agriculture industry in Prince Edward County,” said Resi Walt, OFA member service representative. “We are very proud.”

In collecting applications, PEFA asks for agricultural experience and background, community involvement, school activities, personal achievements and awards and also asks why they chose their particular course and its perceived long-term benefits.

Spinosa’s family grows and processes grapes at the family winery, Exultet Estates. He has finished his first year at Brock University’s Oenology and Viticulture program.

“The program has already helped to expand his knowledge of the viticulture and winemaking field,” notes Walt, adding he also volunteers extensively at his local parish.

He plans to return to the family farm and expand the business – growing more kinds of fresh produce to sell locally, such as vegetables and apples and starting maple syrup and raising poultry.

Bell is the fifth generation on her family farm and her passion is raising Hereford beef cattle.

“She has started her own herd and attends cattle shows and fairs all across Ontario. She is heavily involved in the 4-H program, completing many clubs and just recently won the Gold Watch Award from the Association,” said Walt.

Bell is a student at Loyalist studying Business Accounting, in her 3rd year. She plans to continue to grow her herd of cattle and balance farm work with a side job of bookkeeping for clients.

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