PEPtBO launches Nature Matters! in Prince Edward County
Administrator | Apr 26, 2017 | Comments 0

PEPtBO members and friends, with the new Nature Matters booklet in hand, prepare to explore a trail at the observatory at Long Point.
Members and friends of the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory (PEPtBO) are encouraging the celebration, appreciation and protection of nature in the County.
Just in time for Earth Day weekend, PEPtBO launched Nature Matters!, a 48-page booklet featuring dozens of local nature-related events being held in Prince Edward County.
“There’s so much to celebrate about nature in the County,” said Peter Fuller, PEPtBO president. “This initiative brings together community and naturalist groups and people involved in the environment.”
Programs and activities feature the unique habitat of the County’s South Shore and Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area which carry the international designation as an IBA: an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area.
“The purpose here, as it says on the cover of the booklet is to celebrate, appreciate and protect the natural world around us,” said Fuller. “Its not only just getting to know what valuable habitat we have on the south shore but to tell others and take action and there are so many different ways you can do that – come to the events, join some of these groups that work so hard to protect what is here.”
“We were delighted to spearhead the Nature Matters! project and showcase the variety of exciting programs and activities planned this year by some 20 outdoor, naturalist and environmental groups. We invite County residents, families, and visitors to check out the events, register, or turn up as required, and enjoy the bounty nature has to offer right here.”
The Nature Matters! booklet provides details, maps and contact information on:
• The Walleye World Fishing Derby (Kiwanis Club)
• The Spring Birding Festival and Migration Matters in the fall (PEPtBO)
• Birding excursions and a 24-hour BioBlitz (Prince Edward County Field Naturalists)
• The Annual Black River Canoe Trip (St. Philip’s Anglican Church)
• Exploring butterflies and flowers in the IBA (Fuller Native and Rare Plants)
• A birthday bash and later dog day days of summer fun (Mariners Park Museum)
•Graveyard & Gallows Walking tours (Macaulay Heritage Park)
•A guided walk to Point Traverse Lighthouse (Save Our Lighthouses)
•A honey tour and taste (Long Point Honey Co.)
•Heirloom tomato-tasting and harvest extravaganza (Vicki’s Veggies)
•Building a bird feeder (the 72nd Milford Fall Fair)
•Making a scarecrow at the Scarecrow Festival (Small Pond Arts)
•Exploring the October night sky (at PEPtBO)
Nature Matters! benefits from the support of the Gosling Foundation, NatureHood Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada. Fuller noted PEPtBO is grateful County businesses and organizations who supported the book with advertising, and thanked PEPtBO board member Borys Holowacz, who conceived, designed and oversaw the production of the publication.

Spring bird banding is under way at the observatory. Here Jacques Turner-Moss, assistant bird bander, fixes a band to an American gold finch.
PEPtBO is a not-for-profit, registered charity, which monitors migrating birds at the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area at the end of Long Point Road, South Marysburgh, during the spring and fall.
Spring banding is already under way with first sightings of the season’s migrants, including Purple Finches, Kinglets, Thrushes and Warblers. More than 15,000 birds, from more than 100 species, are banded every year.
The observatory acts as official caretaker for the South Shore Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) comprised of more than 40 kilometers of Lake Ontario shoreline and 90 square kilometers of land and water habitats. For details on how you can get involved, visit
The Nature Matters booklet is now available at various locations throughout the County, and online at
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