Precautionary boil water advisory for Ameliasburgh – lifted
Administrator | Dec 18, 2019 | Comments 0
UPDATE DEC 20: The precautionary boil water advisory issued Wednesday for all municipal water users connected to the Ameliasburgh Drinking Water System has been lifted by Hastings Prince Edward Public Health.
DEC. 18: As a result of a plumbing failure, and in consultation with the Hastings and Prince Edward County Health Unit, a boil water advisory has been issued for all municipal water users connected to the Ameliasburgh drinking water system.
The municipality reported just after lunch time that a plumbing failure at the water treatment facility caused lower than normal pressures in the system. The municipality is working to repair the issue and restore pressure.
As a precautionary measure, the County, in consultation with the health unit, is recommending that affected customers bring water to a rapid boil for at least one minute prior to using it for domestic purposes (e.g. drinking, making infant formula and juice, brushing teeth, washing raw foods and making ice).
A copy of “How to Use Water Safely During a Boil Water Advisory” is available on the County website.
The boil water advisory will remain in place until such time that bacteriological tests prove that water is within accepted quality and safety limits.
Some users may experience intermittent pressure fluctuations as repairs in the system are completed and distribution monitoring is conducted.
Once the boil water advisory is lifted communications will be shared through local media outlets, social media and the County’s website. At that time, affected users are recommended to flush household plumbing through the cold water tap until water runs cold to the touch.
For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or
Filed Under: Local News
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