Sandfest participants get some relief from heat
Administrator | Jul 13, 2016 | Comments 0

About 28 children participating in a new summer camp at St. Gregory’s School head down to the beach to build sand castles.
Heat warnings continue this week as temperatures stay in the 30-33 degree range – feeling more like 38 degrees C – throughout Prince Edward County.
Wednesday morning, the big kids joined the little kids at the annual Friends of Sandbanks Sandfest near the mouth of the Outlet River. With a cooling dip in the lake nearby, a few dozen sculptures were under way before noon’s strongest sun rays broke through.
Low level warnings, and pleas to conserve water also continue throughout the region. There is a possibility of rain on the horizon. A risk of thunderstorms is forecast for Wednesday overnight and into Thursday – but there’s no break in the heat!
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