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Surplus property off Disraeli to become Indigenous affordable housing project

The County will transfer a surplus property just off Disraeli Street in Picton to its Affordable Housing Corporation in support of Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte efforts to provide Indigenous youth affordable rental housing, many of which, council was told, work in Prince Edward County.

The $2 transfer fee also includes a letter of support to be used with grant funding applications for the new use of the property.

Council, at its meeting Tuesday night, also agreed to transfer $100,000 from the 2021 allocated budget to help offset carrying and site preparation costs for this and other projects under consideration and will declare the corporation a ‘project of community interest’ to assist tax receipts over a period of two years while the corporation becomes a charitable organization.

Located just off of Disraeli Street, Picton, and across from an Ontario Hydro transformer station, the municipal land was owned and used by the former Picton Public Utilities Commission for storage of steel water pipe only. The land was transferred to the municipality on Oct. 31, 2000 for $2 when Ontario Hydro replaced the Picton Public Utilities Commission. It has been fenced off and without use since the transfer.

There is no water or sewer main beyond the last fire hydrant, but municipal staff note the housing corporation is aware of the needed extensions for service and has researched the property possibilities at length.

Charles Dowdall, executive director of the housing corporation, notes the letter of support will help the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte gain provincial and federal funding for the project to house youth on waiting lists. MBQ is also pursing senior housing funding opportunities on Tyendinaga Territory. Seniors form the largest portion of the MBQ housing wait list, with youth being the second largest portion in need.

The transfer of the property administrative and legal fees are estimated to be below $6,000 and are to be funded from the 2021 surplus property budget.

The transfer of $100,000 to the housing corporation comes from the 2021 affordable housing budget line that was originally $250,000. Council authorized a $135,000 transfer earlier this year for operating expenses, leaving $15,000 for potential expenses in 2021 such as tile transfer.


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