All Entries Tagged With: "artists"

Art in the County exhibition opens today
Art in the County’s annual exhibition of excellence is gearing up for its 18th year of showcasing the best of the best for Prince Edward County’s premier art show. Art in the County, opening Friday in Picton’s Old Town Hall, (above the Picton Fire Hall, corner of Ross and King streets) displays the highest quality […]

Artists in the family inspire each other
By David Mackay Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity proved that the universe is a strange and mysterious place. He developed his theory through an analysis of bending light in space. A brilliant new exhibition at the John Parrott Art Gallery in Belleville would certainly catch the great scientist’s attention. It is called Relativity and while […]

Plenty of dazzle at Maker’s Hand
The Maker’s Hand festival of fine craft contains everything you would imagine, a lot you would never imagine and even the kitchen sink – albeit that sink is a magnificent creation from natural stone. The 7th annual show and sale is hosted by the Prince Edward Arts Council this weekend at the Prince Edward Community […]

Fibre Arts Show an autumn treat
Under a warm autumn sun, visitors came from as far away as Huntsville, Peterborough, Campbellford and Tweed to see this year’s Fibre Arts Show & Sale held at the Bloomfield Studio of Judith McClure. Sponsored by the County Handspinners, the annual event is designed to show demonstrations of spinning and weaving and to offer woven, […]