All Entries Tagged With: "gardens"

A talk with your plants could prove enlightening
The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers. – Basho, 1680 Is it possible to communicate with the plants and flowers in our garden? The idea is not new and whether we individually are able to get our minds around the concept or not, there are a lot […]

Hummer or moth? Summer of mysteries
Last week a neighbour reported the sighting of an unusual hummingbird in his garden. He described it as a basic brown colour with a lighter band in evidence. My first inclination is that he had spotted a humming-bird moth, which roughly meets his description and has the fast humming wing motion to carry off the […]

Butterflies buffeted by climate change
Walked through an incredible garden in the heart of King Township north of Toronto last weekend — with fantastic floral displays. It was a warm sun-filled afternoon, a day after a good rain had freshened everything into a summer lushness that would lift the spirits of any gardener. Only thing missing: the butterflies. In all […]

Coping With the Heat
So, how did you cope with the heat and high humidity this past week? When it gets hot, we leave our un-air conditioned house, pack up the dog, and head for the cottage. Our cottage is the travel trailer, parked at the end of the sundeck. It has air conditioning. It also has a microwave, […]

All time and forever flower of June
Whenever peony heads get together there is invariably someone who asks about their personal favourite. Taking a leaf from Will Rogers book I will have to confess that “I have never met a peony I didn’t like.” But if I could only choose one to have in my garden it would undoubtably be the venerable […]

Silent Mojave desert reveals its secrets
About 20 miles from the sizzling streets, clunking slots and exotic atmosphere of Las Vegas there is a quiet glimpse of another world with links to human activity going back thousands of years. Beautiful Red Rock Canyon in the nearby Mojave desert is a welcome respite from the unreal world of the city. And according […]

Students team up with Greenspace project
The park beside Shire Hall is sheer beauty now that the Greenspace Project has teamed up with students from Queen Elizabeth Public School in Picton. Grades 3 and 4 students, along with teacher Julie Hymus, were at the park last week planting and watering plants they had cared for since they received them as seedlings […]

Trees – the seed of new hope
Alone with myself The trees bend to caress me The shade hugs my heart -Candy Polger It was a perfect spring morning last Sunday when the Prince Edward Stewardship Council set up their offertory tables under the porch of the cattle barn at the Picton Fair Grounds to hand out native trees to the public. […]

Getting things growing in PEC
By Theresa Durning Janet Curran, Science Teacher at PECI, along with her REAL Life and University level students spent the morning creating a shady future in the wide open spaces of Sandbanks Provincial Park Wednesday, May 5th. This group of 16-and 17-year-olds spent a morning away from their desks planting trees in what had once […]