All Entries Tagged With: "giant pumpkins"

World record pumpkin weighed at Wellington
Jim and Kelsey Bryson, from Ormstown, Quebec, weighed a world record whopper at the Wellington Pumpkinfest weigh-off Saturday. Bryson won the weigh-off last year with the “mother” of this year’s winner at more than 1,404.40 pounds. This year, as the scale stopped at 1,818.5 fellow growers and friends cheered the victory. A possible secret to […]
Administrator | Oct 16, 2011 | Comments 13

Giant County Pumpkins for Prime Minister’s display
Picton’s Sue and John Vincent presented Prime Minister Stephen Harper and wife Laureen with a couple of giant pumpkins for their display at 24 Sussex Drive. “Every year, Mrs. Harper and friends carve and display approximately 300 pumpkins on the lawn of 24 Sussex Drive,” says Sue Vincent, noting that John will not let them […]
Administrator | Oct 18, 2010 | Comments 0