All Entries Tagged With: "Mayor Robert Quaiff"

Breakfast with MPs focuses on eastern Ontario concerns
Mayor Robert Quaiff contributed to talks on the importance of improved roads funding, cell phone service and economic sustainability for Prince Edward County while in Ottawa on Tuesday. Quaiff was attending his first Parliamentary Breakfast with MPs as a member of the Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus (EOWC). The caucus includes 13 municipalities in eastern Ontario. […]
Administrator | Feb 20, 2015 | Comments 0

Mayor’s levee outlines goals, honours long-serving Keith MacDonald
Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff outlined goals and objectives for 2015 at his levee New Year’s Day at Macaulay Church in Picton, but as he and his new council move forward, they stopped to honour Keith MacDonald, one of the municipality’s longest serving politicians. Kevin Gale presented a certificate of recognition from County Council […]
Administrator | Jan 03, 2015 | Comments 2