All Entries Tagged With: "seniors"

Collection of memories raises $213
It’s the time of year when new memories are born and thoughts of times past are alive again. While enjoying a holiday meal with family and friends at the Blumen Garden Bistro, patrons are invited to take a moment to hang an ornament on the Christmas Memory Tree. Amongst the beautiful holiday glitter, the Memory […]

Seniors trek on the track
Almost eight years to the day, Community Care announces the Wellington Walking Program will move to the indoor track at the new Wellington and District Community Centre. Nestled in the CML Snider Elementary School in Wellington, walkers have enjoyed good health while walking the halls of the school and some will continue at this location. […]

Bright future for Hospice despite LHIN cloud
Through an innovative partnership with the Rotary Club of Picton, Hospice Prince Edward hopes to create a Hospice Centre to help County residents spend their final days with dignity and quality, surrounded by loved ones. “One cloud on the horizon,” said Hospice President Mark Larratt-Smith at the group’s first annual general meeting, is that the […]
Living well with a chronic health condition
It’s time to make the call and get registered so you can learn to live well again. There are only 4 spots left. The Prince Edward Family Health Team (PEFHT) and The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association (Community Care) are offering another Self-Management Workshop for people of any age and their families […]