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Updated detour route for Picton Main reconstruction

A revised detour route for the Picton Main Street reconstruction project is to be in place beginning Monday, July 24.

A full closure of Picton Main between Johnson and Division streets is to be in effect. Access to properties will be maintained during the road closure.

Picton Main between Division Street and McFarland Drive will be local traffic only. This includes the hospital and medical centre. Access to the fairgrounds entrance will be from Bay Street.

Through traffic on Picton Main will continue to be detoured along Johnson Street to MacSteven Drive or McFarland Drive.

The intersection of Johnson Street and MacSteven Drive has been converted to a three-way stop.

Quinte Transit’s pick up and drop off locations on Picton Main Street near Life Labs and near Crystal Palace will be temporarily suspended during the construction. Transit riders can get picked up and dropped off at a temporary stop on Johnson Street near the corner of Picton Main Street. Signs are in place at the temporary stop.

The reconstruction project began June 5 and will span from Johnson Street to 250 metres east of Spencer Street, for the following work:
Installation of new underground infrastructure including watermains, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers.
Roadway reconstruction with new concrete curb and gutters, concrete sidewalks, and a new asphalt roadway surface.

RW Tomlinson Limited, the contractor for this project, is completing the work in three phases.
Phase 1 between Johnson and Bay street until late August.

Phase 2 between Bay and Spencer streets beginning in late August with completion expected in November.

Phase 3 between Spencer Street and approximately 250 metres east of Spencer is expected to take place in 2024.

For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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  1. Wendy says:

    So disappointed to read about this change: what about the Women’s Institute Art and Craft Show and Sale on Thursday August 3? I think that there should be lots of advertising by the contractor and the County on the alternate routes to access: also how Quinte Transit will provide access to get people close to this major event and fundraiser in the County!

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