Young aviators will get a birds eye view in free program
Administrator | Jul 09, 2017 | Comments 0
The Prince Edward Flying Club will help young people discover the world of flight this month during the annual COPA For Kids Program.
The Canadian Owners Pilots Association (COPA) encourages people aged eight to 17 years to explore aviation. Free of charge, this is a national program provided by members.
The local COPA for Kids Program will be held at the Prince Edward Flying Club (at Picton Airport) co-hosted by Loch-Sloy Holdings Saturday, Aug. 19 (rain date Aug. 20).
One especially exciting aspect of this program is the opportunity for young aviators to get a bird’s eye view of flying from the cockpit of an airplane.
The program involves a brief ground school, walk around a plane, and flight in which participants will experience start-up, take-off, cruising, landing and shut down.
There are two start times – 9 am and 10 a.m. and the program lasts about one and a half to two hours.
Interested participants must pre-register. Contact Jacqui Burley at 613-476-3064. Complted forms are due no later than Aug. 11. They can be picked up at the Loch Sloy main office, 343 Cty Rd 22. Enrolment is limited to 30 participants.
All COPA pilots are licensed by Transport Canada, and their aircraft registered by Transport Canada. Prince Edward Flying Club (PEFC) is a non-profit corporation, owned and operated for and by its members. A member of COPA Quinte-Flight 53, Prince Edward Flying Club celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2013. The Picton Airport is privately owned and managed by Loch-Sloy Holdings Limited. Visit
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