$10,000 gift to hospital in appreciation of great care
Administrator | Dec 19, 2022 | Comments 0

Pictured with Floyd in front of PECMHF from left are Shannon Coull and Briar Boyce from the PECMH Foundation. Tammy Snider photo
Every year, hundreds of families living across Prince Edward County and the Quinte region are impacted by a loved one’s urgent need for medical care. Illness, injury, the premature birth of a child, and the end of life are all part of the collective human experience, and yet when they arrive, everything changes.
Touched by the care given to his wife Phyllis before passing away, and the care he has received at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital (PECMH), inspired Floyd Snider, of Picton, to give back with a gift of $10,000.
“Every interaction Phyllis and I ever had with the care teams and hospital staff in our time spent at PECMH was filled with kindness and compassion,” said Snider. “I will always be grateful for the expedient and compassionate care that Phyllis received before she passed away. It feels good to give back to those who surrounded us and cared for us at a time when we were unable to do so for ourselves.
“Floyd is an outstanding example of the community spirit we see so often in the County. On behalf of the entire hospital, its staff, and patients, I thank Floyd for his generosity,” said Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation. “We are extremely grateful for this very generous donation, just in time for Christmas. Remembering loved ones in a manner that will help other people is a legacy that carries special significance.”
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