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Parish of Marysburgh wishes to donate property to County

Parish of Marysburgh, Milford

Parish of Marysburgh, Milford

Monica Alyea is to address councillors regarding the sale of the Anglican Rectory in Milford and the desire of the diocese and the Parish of Marysburgh to donate the property to the municipality.

Alyea is to make the deputation at Thursday morning’s committee of the whole meeting at Shire Hall.

“I have had several discussions as an interested citizen about the current activity around the sale of the Anglican Rectory in Milford, and the implications for the various community partners of South Marysburgh who, through the years, – I count 75-plus – have made use of a substantial portion of the rectory adjacent land for broader community development of a recreational and economic development nature – ball diamond, Milford Fair, parking, etc.”

Alyea’s deputation notes she understands the diocese and parish wish to have to County accept that portion of “historically used land” as a “donation” and wish some indication as to whether the County will accept.

“The municipality has a land use planning process that doesn’t easily jump to the answer desired,” said Alyea, but “it’s about more than just a severance.”

Thursday morning’s meeting is to bring council up to speed on the matter visually and verbally.

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