A preview of Wellington’s new Community Centre
Administrator | Aug 09, 2010 | Comments 1
Whiskey Corner – a longstanding seating area at the Wellington arena – has been kept in the plans for the new Wellington & District Community Centre’s impressive new building featuring plenty of room to feature concerts, hockey games, figure skating events, a running oval, fitness corners, meetings and banquets. The concrete surface was poured last week.
Fundraising chair Jim Dunlop leads guided tours every Friday morning of the new facility taking shape in Wellington. All you need to do is make a contribution to the effort. For just a brick ($100) or seat ($500) you get an inside pass, a guided tour and your name immortalized in the new community centre. Hard hats will be provided… participants will require safety shoes. Contact Jim Dunlop at 613.399.3411 to book your tour today! For more information visit rekindlethespirit.ca. To book your event contact Prince Edward County Parks & Recreation.
Filed Under: Local News • Sports & Recreation
About the Author:
Mark you calenders!! Sunday December 12th at 1 p.m. is the grand opening celebration for the New Wellington & District Community Centre. The show is not to be missed and lots of events planned. Bring your skates as there will be public skating at 4 p.m. All Free of charge on a first come first served basis!!