Accidents resulted in road closures
Administrator | May 03, 2018 | Comments 0
Early this morning, officers were despatched to single motor vehicle accident on Church St. in Picton where a vehicle struck a hydro pole.
A 19 year old male from Picton has been charged with careless driving contrary to Highway Traffic Act section 130. Church St. was closed while crews cleared the road.
PEC OPP Cst. Patrick Menard reports officers were at County Road 8 on Wednesday after 8 a.m. where a loaded dump truck drifted too close to the shoulder of the road and was pulled into the ditch, hitting a culvert.
“The truck bounced back onto the roadway and flipped on its side spilling its load of gravel across the roadway. County Road 8 was closed for several hours while crews cleaned the area.”
He said the driver of the dump truck suffered minor, non-life threatening injuries and was transported to the Picton Hospital by ambulance. No charges were laid.
Filed Under: Local News
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