Adapting the church for community needs
Administrator | Aug 17, 2010 | Comments 1
The community of friends at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Picton spent their last hour in the pews Sunday. Elder Gary Nugent and Joe Brinckos carried pews out of the church, on King Street, Picton Monday. The pews will be replaced with upholstered chairs so the sanctuary space will be adaptable for Sunday worship as well as a variety of community events. “The goal is to make the sanctuary a beautiful, flexible, multi-use community space,” said Rev. Lynne Donovan. “The floors are being redone, carpet replaced and the room made for beautiful, comfy, lumbar supporting chairs in navy blue with a caramel speck.”
Filed Under: Local News
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A great example of a local church that should be preserved! Happy to see it’s adapting to the times and remaining a worthwhile building.