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Affordable housing project idea gets letter of support

The County has offered a letter of support to Emmanuel Baptist Church for an Affordable Seniors Co-Housing Initiative.

The letter, approved at the committee of the whole meeting Thursday, is needed toward securing funding from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Seed Funding program.

Ken Hows, a spokesperson from the church spoke to council earlier this month, noting the wish is to establish a not for profit under the name Emmanuel Affordable Seniors Co-Housing Initiative to study the viability of developing affordable housing the in County.

The fund the group is applying to helps to offset some of the early stage costs of an organization that can conceive, plan, develop and manage a seniors co-housing project. The seed funding would help cover costs of incorporation, exploring sources of funding, developing a business plan, project drawings and specifications and a variety of professional fees.

To strengthen their application they are seeking support from all three levels of government.

The Seed Funding is available first-come, first-served and would provide up to $50,000 in grants and a further $200,000 in the form of an interest-free repayable loan.

The Emmanuel group is seeking $10,000 to $20,000 to offset initial costs to determine the viability of the project.

Everything from a not-for-profit corporation structure, to housing configuration, type of build and location, are yet to be determined.

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