All-way stop may be coming to Paul and Barker intersection near PECI
Administrator | Aug 30, 2018 | Comments 4
An all-way stop is one step closer to being created at the intersection of Paul and Barker streets (near Prince Edward Collegiate Institute).
A request from a resident last fall was reviewed by the County’s Traffic Advisory Committee. The Engineering, Development and Works Commission brought the recommendation to Committee of the Whole Thursday. It will move to council for final approval Sept. 11.
Currently the intersection has stop signs on Barker Street, allowing through traffic on Paul.
Staff determined the intersection warrants an all-way stop due to high volumes of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
The average vehicle and pedestrian traffic crossing Paul Street was 138 units per hour; which surpasses the minimum requirements of 80 units per hour set out in regulations.
Following council approval, two stop signs would be erected at the intersection on Paul Street.
At an intersection with stop signs at all corners, you must yield the right-of-way to the first vehicle to come to a complete stop. If two vehicles stop at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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I don’t know why a driver would assume that Paul and Barker would be a 4 way stop. Biggest issue is their is no police presence or radar on Paul St. And we now have 3 County employees parking daily at the corner of Paul & King causing congestion and a visual issue at a very busy corner.
What streets in particular?
They need to start looking at making some streets along Main street one way while they are at it. How many intersections that have hedges etc to large that you have to stick out in the street to see if any car are coming
It’s about time!!! Do you know how many near hits there have been at this intersection because drivers assume that vehicles on Paul Street will stop?
This intersection is as bad as King/Elizabeth.
It’s too bad it won’t be a 4 way stop before school starts, but better late than never.