Alzheimer societies will discuss amalgamation
Administrator | Aug 26, 2014 | Comments 0
Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County members will review a study concerning amalgamation when they meet for their annual general meeting in September.
Five Alzheimer society boards within the Southeast LHIN (Local Health Integration Network) have appointed task force members to review integration options.
Like societies across province, the five have experienced dramatic increases in service, but limited public sector funding. Past discussions have not resulted in concrete outcomes. The Alzheimer Society of Ontario has expressed concern about the abilities of societies to contend with projected growth in service demands and the LHIN has requested they review their relationships.
“There was therefore a certain sense that if the boards did not take the wheel themselves, some other party, or process, would,” stated the study’s executive report.
The participants included the society of Prince Edward County, the society of Belleville-Hastings-Quinte; the society of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington; the society of Leeds-Grenville and the society of Lanark County.
Representatives committed to a “memorandum of understanding”, to follow a schedule of specific forms of collaboration, but “these outcomes reflected the fact that most of the boards felt they needed to digest what they have learned from the exercise and that they wanted to ‘date before they considered marriage’,” the report stated. “These outcomes may appear tentative to outsiders, but in fact, they reflect significant movement and increased comfort levels between the boards.
“While the process began with the defensive goal of self-preservation for some, it has now broadened out to a consideration of how the passion, knowledge and resources of these five societies can best be leveraged to the benefit of persons affected by dementia both locally and throughout the region. There is a strong sense that they can become more than they are today – if they move prudently and are well supported.”
In November, the Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County confirmed the appointment of Laura Hare as Interim Executive Director following the retirement of long-serving director Linda Jackson. Hare has been the Executive Director of the Alzheimer Society of Belleville-Hastings-Quinte since May 2004.
“With one in 11 over the age of 65 living with dementia, there are a lot of County residents who will need the support of the Alzheimer Society,” said Hare. With just 35 per cent of the society’s budget funded by the government, the society’s volunteers organize community fundraisers to raise funds.
Hare, while continuing as Executive Director for the Belleville Society, is at the Picton office one day a week, usually on Mondays. Barry Flanigan continues in his part-time role as an Education and Support Co-ordinator for the Picton and Wellington areas. Sharon Brewster, an Alzheimer Society Education and Support Co-ordinator based in Trenton, supports families in Ameliasburgh. Linda Steacy provides full-time administrative support at the King Street, Picton office Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 3:30.
Members in good standing will vote on the recommendations of the report Thursday, Sept. 11 at 6pm in the Hallowell House board room (upstairs).
Copies of the executive summary can be picked up at, or emailed from the Alzheimer Society at the corner of King and Paul streets in Picton. There are also two full copies of the report for viewing at the office.
Memberships can be purchased from the office, or online through the website: Click on the Donate Now button and choose Membership as donation type. Call 613-476-2085 for further information.
For programs and services in Prince Edward County,
visit the Alzheimer Society website;
email ;
call 476-2085 or
visit at 90 King St., (corner of King and Paul), Picton.
Filed Under: Local News
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