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Another collision at intersection of Cty Rd 1 and Hwy 62

Police and emergency services were on the scene of an accident at the intersection of County Road 1 and Hwy 2 late Saturday afternoon.

Officers were directing traffic backed up in all directions, while others investigated. No further details are available.

Seven people were injured just over a week ago in a two-vehicle collision at the intersection. Police closed the area to traffic for about an hour.

Municipal staff and the mayor have been pressing the provincial government for a roundabout to be installed at the intersection, with support from OPP detachment commander Staff Sgt. John Hatch.

They had met with the Minister of Transportation (MTO), to reiterate the request earlier this year, following an on-site visit last fall organized by MPP Todd Smith.

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  1. Graham Cobb says:

    The first round-a-bout is too small. I hope we’ve learned from that for the next one.
    From Talbot to Main St we Need a left hand turn arrow before we have another disaster & it MAY cut down on the ‘honking’.

  2. Roland Gillespie says:

    Wow. Unbelievable action at this intersection today. Roadblocks were set up with signal ‘men’ to stop traffic as workers raked the soil and supposedly planted new grass on the areas disturbed by the new culverts installed on County Road 1, just before the intersection. What a sham. What a waste of money. FIX THE INTERSECTION!!!

  3. HB says:

    It is a very dangerous intersection. Firstly, it is not a big enough intersection to accommodate the size and amount of vehicles that use it. Also, the 2 roads are not perpendicular to each other, but slightly askew which combined with the small size of the intersection, make it difficult for folk to make left hand turns on 62 when oncoming vehicles (on 62) are also attempting to make a left hand turn – they want to go behind each other which causes confusion each and every time I’ve noticed.
    Sadly, the proposed roundabout needs all of the usual pre construction ’studies’ from all of the consulting companies at the trough before it will break ground. It is such a shame that modern construction practices and government contract protocol take such precedent over much needed public safety.

  4. Dennis Fox says:

    There are many intersections that need work – particularly along Hwy 62. Proper construction and lighting would be a great help and I support the idea of a roundabout at #1 and 62.

    Someone mentioned that drivers were the reason for the problems. I agree – this summer I have never experienced such aggressive driving by so many. I am tried of having drivers tailgating, despite me going the speed limit – they are too lazy to pull out and pass – they expect you to pull over and stop. Many of the drivers I have mentioned, drive very big and shiny pick-up trucks – they are showing that they are true bullies because their truck is bigger than your car. The thing I noticed is that these people are not farmers or construction workers who know how to handle their truck, instead many simply have the pick-up truck because they are popular – yet they have no idea how to drive them.

    Be aware and be safe – it is dangerous out there!

  5. Gary says:

    Fixing bad drivers isn’t working. Roundabout will save lives.

  6. David Thomas says:

    I thought the roundabout was a done deal. Am I wrong? I have been using that intersection for 20 years and as time has passed, it has become scarier with the increase in county traffic.

    I don’t care if the accidents are because of bad driving or not. Anything that slows down drivers on Hwy 62 going through that intersection is worthwhile in my opinion. A roundabout is preferred as opposed to traffic lights.

  7. Barbara Wallace says:

    How many injuries or deaths will it take before a roundabout is put in I wonder.

  8. Kevin says:

    This intersection has no barriers and excellent visibility. It’s the drivers, not the intersection. Perhaps the authorities could hang around, or install cameras and enforce traffic rules for bad drivers. A traffic circle won’t fix bad drivers. I drive this route every day, and the only problem I experience, are bad drivers.

  9. Mark says:

    Bad all over. Yesterday I hit the brakes screaching heading south on Cty Rd 10 at Ridge Rd as a van pulled right out in front of me. They waved.

  10. Teena says:

    A round-about would be nice. Slow traffic, yet keep it moving.

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