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Arts Council honours Elizabeth Crombie and PECI’s Isobel McDonald

The Prince Edward County Arts Council and the Picton Kiwanis Club honoured a PECI graduate aspiring to a career in dramatic arts.

Mary Tucker with Isobel McDonald and her two awards.

Mary Tucker with Isobel McDonald and her two awards.

At its annual general meeting May 26, Isobel McDonald was presented the PEC Student Arts Award and the Picton Kiwanis Club Award for the Arts. McDonald will be graduating from Prince Edward Collegiate Institute (PECI) and plans to pursue post secondary studies in theatre arts at the University of Toronto in September.

“Isobel is an outstanding, extremely talented young woman,” said Mary Tucker, who presented the award from the Arts Council. The Picton Kiwanis Club Award was presented by Dennis Margueratt.

“Isobel, an exceptional candidate for these two awards, is not only academically gifted, but she is an extremely talented theatre arts student,” said Tucker. “Her interest in drama began at an early age when she enrolled in the ‘Marysburg Mummers’ summer camp. She became hooked, and this interest was strongly supported by a family devoted to theatre arts.

McDonald stated she appreciated not just the craft itself but the ‘community bond’ of acting and finding a family of like-minded people.

She played many roles on the Mt Tabor stage as well as playing lead roles in plays at the high school. She was also captain of the ‘Improv team’ at PECI. Beginning in 2012 she also studied at the Stratford Shakespeare School during the summers. Last year she was accepted into the three week ‘Theatre Performance Intensive Program’ at Stratford, deigned for serious, aspiring actors.

She said the Stratford experience made her realize that acting is something that she cannot live without.

The PEC Student Arts Award was founded nine years ago, and the Picton Kiwanis Club offered its award, administered by the Arts Council, at the same time.

Elizabeth Crombie

Elizabeth Crombie

The Arts Council also recognized contributions by Elizabeth Crombie, of Royal LePage in Picton, as a generoous sponsor of the arts in the County.

“She has generously provided financial support for many of the arts council’s major events. Not only has she been a financial contributor, but she has been a presence at all of these events,” said Tucker.

The Royal LePage logo can be seen on many of the arts council’s major events’ brochures and promotions. Royal Lepage has contributed to the Jazz Festival since its inception. Libby has also sponsored all of the other arts council events including Art in the County, CLiC Photo Show, the Studio Tour and the Maker’s Hand.

“Libby’s generous support of the arts can be seen throughout the County. Most recently she contributed to ‘Awesome PEC’, and she is a generous contributor to the Regent Theatre, and a member of the Festival Players Board,” said Tucker. “Without the financial support of community businesses, such as Elizabeth Crombie and Royal Lepage, we would not be able to provide the programs in the arts that enrich the lives of all in the community.

“With this award we would like to publicly thank Elizabeth Crombie and Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty for being a strong and vital benefactor of the arts in the community of Prince Edward County.”

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