Artworks students’ sale raises funds for trip
Administrator | Aug 04, 2010 | Comments 0
The Artworks students raised $135 at their Blacksmithing sale Aug. 4-5 in front of the Armoury Mall. Included in the sale were dinner bells, hooks and candlesticks that the students made at the Red Barnsin July.
“Proceeds of the sale will fund the upcoming field trip,” said Keith Hartford, of the Prince Edward Learning Centre. The field trip organized by the Students’ Council to the Royal Canadian Air Force museum at CFB Trenton is open to all students at the learning center.
In the Artworks program, students receive instruction in Stained Glass, Jewellery and Blacksmithing while focusing on decision making, teamwork and critical thinking skills they can use to improve workplace skills, build resumes and make connections with employers and people in and around the community. Students also volunteered their time to help Quinte Conservation.
Linda Conley, the Executive Director of Prince Edward Learning Center said the Artworks program will “enrich the lives of our students.” Instructor, Diana Cooper says the students showed “An excellent display of both their technical and essential skills.”
“I can’t believe how fast we developed our essential skills in the four weeks that just passed,” said student Tyler Haennel.
Another student, Robert Allen, said “It was the best experience for me. I’d recommend it to anyone”.
At the Learning Center, students can sharpen their skills needed to go to college, improve job prospects, and get a GED or Grade 12 diploma. The Learning Center continues to support students with dedicated instructors and individual programming to make a difference. Prince Edward Learning Centre is a registered charity that provides training for adults who want to improve their skills, employment potential, or who want to go on to a higher education.
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AUG 2 – Artworks students at the Prince Edward Learning Centre (PELC) are hosting a sale of blacksmithing products. Artworks is a pilot program using blacksmithing to help individuals learn essential skills required to be successful in the workplace.
In the Artworks program, students receive instruction in stained glass, jewellery and blacksmithing at the Red Barns. Focusing on decision making, teamwork and critical thinking skills, students improve their workplace skills, build resumes and make connections with employers and people in and around the community. Students also volunteered time to help Quinte Conservation.
On August 4 and 5 between 1-3:30pm in front of The Armoury students will be selling blacksmithing products. All proceeds will be donated to the PELC students’ council to support field trips.
A new Artworks session will start in early fall. Prince Edward Learning Centre has been helping students develop essential skills and to become better in the workplace for 15 years. School will be starting Sept. 7, 2010. For more information about Artworks, contact Prince Edward Learning Centre at 613-476-1811. Prince Edward Learning Centre is a registered charity that provides training for adults who want to improve their skills, employment potential, or who want to go on to a higher education.
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