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RSSAuthor Archive for Terry Sprague

Terry Sprague became interested in nature at an early age. "Growing up on the family farm at Big Island, 12 miles north of Picton, on the shore of the beautiful Bay of Quinte, I was always interested in the natural world around me. During my elementary school days at the small one-room school I attended on Big Island, I received considerable encouragement from the late Marie Foster, my teacher in Grades 6 through 8. Her home was a short distance from where I lived and through the years she was responsible for developing my interest in birds. The late Phil Dodds, a former editor with the Picton Gazette, also a great nature enthusiast, suggested I undertake a nature column - a column I have submitted weekly since 1965. The column has since expanded to the Napanee Beaver and the Tweed News. Life has been good, and through the years I have enjoyed working with such nature related agencies as Glenora Fisheries Research as a resource technician, Sandbanks Provincial Park as a park interpreter and Quinte Conservation as a naturalist and outdoor events coordinator. As a nature interpreter, currently working from my home office, I now create and lead numerous interpretive events in the area and offer indoor audio/visual presentations to interested groups. Could one who is interested in nature have enjoyed a more exhilarating period in the work force?" Terry's website is

The Eyes of the Young

The Eyes of the Young

Leading kids on an interpretive hike can be a challenging task, especially if there are 30 or more of them as I have had occasionally. Often the only thing you can hear are the sounds of birds and animals getting out of our way as fast as they can. I seldom do hikes for kids […]

Blame It On the Paper Boy

Blame It On the Paper Boy

The worst offender on our road for garbage is not the smoker, not the Tim Horton’s fiend, or the motorists who openly drink while driving (although they are near the top of the list). It is the paper boy, or the paper person, or whoever this obnoxious individual is who litters the sideroads from our […]

So, what's in Your Dooryard?

So, what’s in Your Dooryard?

I just finished writing my book, “Up Before Five – the Family Farm”, which should be out sometime later this summer or early fall. My editor had some initial concerns about a few of the terms I had used which required a bit of explaining. For example, on the farm, one did not go down […]

Ostrander Point Will Not Save the World

Ostrander Point Will Not Save the World

Has anyone noticed that the Ostrander Point wind turbine debate has progressed way beyond right or wrong, common sense or absurdity, green or grey? It is no longer a debate; it has become an obsession, a quest of sorts from a new wave of environmentalists who have suddenly taken a baffling interest in something in […]

Local Residents Ignoring Our Point Pelee

Local Residents Ignoring Our Point Pelee

The Birding Festival is over, or nearly so, at time of writing. Not one of the most successful years in its 15 year history, due to the weather earlier in the week. In fact, during one of my 8:00 a.m. guided walks, I had only three people – me and myself and I ! However, […]

Warblers Provide A Welcome Escape

Warblers Provide A Welcome Escape

It was a Yellow-rumped Warbler which marked the start of the warbler migration for me. Actually, I didn’t see it, but I did hear its loose trill as we made our way through the Point Traverse Woods. Many reactionary birders still call them Myrtle Warblers, a name they went by for many years. Birders in […]

Nothin' On Television

Nothin’ On Television

I was talking to a friend last night over the telephone who says that she gave up her television, as there was just nothing worthwhile to watch and it was getting too expensive. I know what she’s saying. We pay something like $82 a month for the benefit of watching commercials. The 200+ choices we […]

Communicating With the Dearly Departed

Communicating With the Dearly Departed

My father has reached the last and final stage of the 73rd National Sweepstakes. This, according to an e-mail received last week from Reader’s Digest. They have been unable to reach him, so the e-mails have been coming to me since July of last year. I have received no fewer than 23 of these promising […]

It's March, but I Want April

It’s March, but I Want April

March is here. Great. Do I sound less than enthusiastic? I find March to be one of the most difficult months to enjoy. I embrace winter and all it has to offer – the cross country skiing and snowshoeing opportunities, winter birding, crisp morning walks, and the delicate beauty that winter brings. When March comes, […]

Walking Gives Me Time To Reflect

Walking Gives Me Time To Reflect

Every morning at 6:00 a.m., I don my reflective vest and my L.E.D. headlamp and set off up our road toward the Bay of Quinte with our dog, Christie. I call it “our road”, since it is, in fact, named Sprague Road. However, we cannot lay any claim to the naming the road as the […]

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Elizabeth Crombie Janice-Lewandoski
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