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Average Ontarian can’t afford two-tiered healthcare system

To the Editor,
I am writing to express my concern about the secrecy surrounding Bill 60 – Premier Ford’s proposed legislation to privatize healthcare in Ontario.

Speaking as a health care provider for more than 24 years, I cannot support this Bill or any privatization agenda. There IS capacity within our hospitals to run more surgeries.

Privatization will remove much needed health care workers from the hospitals and we are just now building our staffing levels back up after the pandemic. After a while, pay and benefits will decline at private healthcare facilities, so staff who leave public to go private will pay the price of non-union positions.

Patients will pay for medically necessary diagnosis and treatment. I cannot afford to pay for my own or my family’s healthcare costs so I cannot imagine who would benefit from two tiered healthcare but it won’t be the average Ontarian). We will also continue to pay for the public system through our taxes either (both federal and provincial tax health premiums).

This will be so, even if you do opt for a private provider, where you will pay with your credit card on top of tax money you have already paid. Or, if we pay for private care with our OHIP card – who do you think is footing that bill? All this will do is benefit the already wealthy patients who can pay and those already wealthy private companies and providers. There IS enough money to pay for the healthcare needs of Ontarians. The money needs to be spent appropriately. Tell Doug Ford NO to privatization!

Heather Leonard
Quinte West

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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  1. KB says:

    Mismanaged funds along with fraud are bleeding the quality of our health care dry. We never hear about the fraud that occurs because politicians would have to admit their policies were careless, even if they were well intentioned – they lack teeth. It’s a free for all now. Doesn’t matter who you are, or what your doing or not doing, why you are here or for how long – everybody gets OHIP. It’s easy to walk into Ontario and fraudulently obtain OHIP. I would like to see the layers peeled back on the core issues driving the need for two tiered healthcare. Take some responsibility for the mess that has been created and get honest about why this is happening.

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