Bakers, tasters and buyers raised delicious donation tally for hospital
Administrator | Nov 04, 2023 | Comments 0

Pictured on the future site of the new hospital, from left, are: Ann Galvin, a PECMHF board member; Nancy Parks, Back the Build campaign chairperson; Susan Harrington, president of the Picton Fair Board; Sandra Foreman, a PECMHF board member; and Briar Boyce, senior development officer with the PECMH Foundation. Sue Vincent photo
People who bake, taste and auction sweets at the annual Picton Fair Bake Off Challenge have helped raise more than $34,000 for the County’s hospital over the past 14 years.
This year’s 14th annual challenge united more than a dozen bakers, three judges and 30 bidders who have a sweet spot for the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital.
The bake off challenge invites businesses or individuals to practice their culinary skills by having their entries judged by local celebrities and then auctioned to raise funds to support the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation (PECMHF).
More than 20 entries were submitted and were judged by volunteers Ken Menlove, a PECMHF board member, Jenn McKay with Cool 100, and Jordan Smart with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Auxiliary Unit.
Ken Tulloch was the volunteer auctioneer, resulting in this year’s event raising $6,380. These funds will support the major medical equipment purchases needed for the new hospital. The witty banter between the auctioneer and the bidders resulted in the best-in-show key lime pie auctioning off for $1,100.
“We could not achieve our goal of building a new, well-equipped hospital for the residents of and visitors to Prince Edward County without support from the community,” said Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation. “We are honoured to have the continued support of the hard-working volunteers with the fair board and those who bake a pie or cake or come and bid on these delectable desserts. The Agricultural Society has supported healthcare delivery in our community for 14 years.”
The Agricultural Society thanks all the generous people who donated baked goods or participated in the auction.
“We are grateful to everyone who attends the fair, whether they ride the midway, enter an item as an exhibit or as a vendor, participate in the bake off, or volunteer with us,” said Susan Harrington, president of the Picton Fair Board. “We couldn’t be happier with this year’s result from the bake off for our County hospital. Thank you to everyone who baked or bid to make that happen.”
The donation brings the Ag Society’s cumulative giving total to PECMHF to $34,160.
Filed Under: cheers • News from Everywhere Else
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