Best and worst staches raise $5,000 and awareness of men’s health
Administrator | Dec 19, 2012 | Comments 1
Wellington Home Hardware’s Men of Movember raised $5,000 and more awareness for men’s health and prostate cancer during the third annual mustache.
Organizer Evan Nash explains that during “Movember” gentlemen pay to join the contest, then grow their “mo” all month. At the end of the month the public votes on the best and worst moustaches.
The best Mo of 59 entrants was grown by Kevin Whipple, who fought prostate cancer just over a year ago and learned about the mustache growing event while reading the Wellington Times. He was happy to support the cause and didn’t realize there were prizes until he was awarded a new meat smoker.
The Worst Mo was grown (attempt was made) by Brandon Minnie. This year’s Mo Money Best Fundraiser was Ken Edick and the best MO Bro Family Team was Andy Lloyd and Bryan Monroe.
“A huge thanks to all our participants and supporters,” said Nash.
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