Boat rental scam in the County
Administrator | Jul 22, 2020 | Comments 0
Prince Edward OPP again remind people to ask questions when responding to rental advertisements.
On Tuesday, July 21 officers responded to a report of suspicious activity in relation to a boat. Investigation revealed several individuals had showed up to a storage facility under the understanding they had rented a boat.
“These parties then realize that they had been scammed. The renters had transferred funds however the advertisement was fraudulent. The boat was not for rent,” said Const. Aaron Miller, PEC OPP Community Safety officer.
According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, fraudsters will use online classified websites and social media networks to post advertisements for rentals.
Miller recommends that before sending money digitally, “always remember to pump the brakes, ask questions and conduct research. If it’s too good to be true, it likely is.”
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