Burn permit changes benefit owners of multiple properties
Administrator | Dec 18, 2018 | Comments 7
UPDATED Prince Edward County Fire and Rescue has enhanced the burn permit program for 2019 for property owners with multiple properties.
“We have implemented a couple changes to make it easier for members of the public to activate their permits and easier for us to monitor fire activity,” said Scott Manlow, Fire Chief, County of Prince Edward.
In 2019, property owners with multiple properties can obtain a permit for each of the properties they own if they wish to burn on them. They will pay for one permit and the other property burn permits will be issued at no charge. Owners will be required to provide information for each property including:
• Civic address or closest civic number and the county road for that property
• Contact phone number
• Full name of owner
The owners will follow the activation process using the burn permit number assigned to that property.
New this year, all permits will have a six-digit permit number to activate.
NOTE: Everyone who has a 2018 burning permit will notice that the activation line is asking for a six digit number when they call in. Add the 18 (for 2018) before your permit number and you will be good to go.
The 2019 burning permits already have the numbering at the top. 2019 burn permits are now on sale. Permits are valid from date of issue to December 31st of the year issued and cost $15 each.
Permits can be purchased at the following locations:
Prince Edward County Fire & Rescue Administrative Office, Station 1, Picton – 8 McDonald Drive, Picton
Shire Hall – 332 Picton Main Street, Picton
At all PEC Libraries
If you have questions, you can also email fire@pecounty.on.ca or call 613.476.2345, or visit the County’s website.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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Could help the killing water rates, increasing big again January 1st.
Meter person (maid) 7 days a week June until Sept
Chris, I like your idea with that suggestion. You might have to be a bylaw officer however, not sure,
Todd, that is not explained in the article. If the County means non-contiguous farm properties, they should say so. I have no issue with that. If it’s one owner of several homes, I do.
Fred, by your logic we shouldn’t have parking meters in Picton either. People comment endlessly on this site that the County doesn’t get any benefit from tourism. Put the meters in, run them from June to September and hire students to patrol them. I’m sure they would more than pay form themselves over the long run. Gotta start somewhere!
Chris, you realize that “Multiple Properties” largely relates to farm properties and fields that are not connected to the main farm acreage and 911 sign. I think we owe it to our farmers not to hit them again with another “tax” on the nature of their business of growing and harvesting out food.
This was the right decision not to charge for multiple “properties”.
Meters are useless and expensive to install if there is no one to monitor them in Bloomfield @ Wellington. Would require a hire, if it would warrant the return.
Why? The County needs every dollar it can find. If someone has the wherewithal to own more than one property they can afford the $15 fee for each one!
On a similar note – why no parking meters in Bloomfield and Wellington? The ones that were torn out in Picton should have been reinstalled there. Low hanging fruit for the tax coffers!!