Canteen closed at arenas; increased enforcement at facilities
Administrator | Dec 16, 2021 | Comments 0
In response to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases across the Hastings-Prince Edward region, effective Dec. 17, the County will close the canteen service at the Wellington and District Community Centre and the Prince Edward Community Centre. In addition, no outside food or drink will be allowed into the arenas.
This was being offered on a pilot basis, but given the increase in COVID-19 cases the municipality made the decision to prefer patrons leave their masks on at all times when inside the recreation facilities.
The County is also increasing enforcement of mask requirements in County-operated facilities, including arenas and town halls. Spot checks will occur over the next several weeks and people found not wearing a mask or improperly wearing a mask could be subject to a fine up to $1,000.
The municipality is continuing to check proof of vaccination at the front door of the arenas. Currently, people 12 years of age or older must show proof of vaccination before entering an arena, with the exception of youth between the ages of 12 and 17 participating in organized sports. However, the provincial government is eliminating that exemption effective Dec. 20.
Branches of the Prince Edward County Public Library remain open for browsing as well as curbside pickup. Library programing will move online as of Dec. 17. Visit the Library website for more information.
County Council will resume meeting virtually in the new year. The next meeting of Council is Tuesday, Jan. 11. The public can watch council, committee of the whole, and planning committee meetings live on the County’s YouTube channel. Members of the public who want to make a deputation or provide a comment as an audience member can do so through Zoom. Email the clerk’s office at for more information.
Municipal offices remain open. Beginning Dec. 21, services offered at Shire Hall will temporarily shift to the Edward Building, Suite 103.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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