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CAO recommends mid-term council review

Councillors meeting Tuesday at Shire Hall will review a report from Chief Administrative Officer Merlin Dewing recommending a mid-term review of progress.
“As we approach council’s mid-term, council has made significant progress on many of its objectives,” Dewing said in a report written to explore potential and merit of reviewing achievements to date and setting or adjusting the course for council’s remaining two years.
“A mid-term ‘check-in’ is a common activity to ensure and verify the global goals and objectives are aligned with our strategic planning and actions,” said Dewing.
The session could include:
– Refresh of orientation which also serves as a reminder of policies, roles and responsibilities
-Discussion of the CAO’s goals and objectives
-Discussion of ongoing corporate realignment and implementation
-Review of progress made to date on priorities
-Identification of new priorities or adjustments to existing programs
-Forum for identifying concerns or concepts for better council team work, council staff relations and council constituent relations.
The session, he said, should include all members of council and senior staff to build trust and synergy.
“A facilitated session is strongly recommended to foster full, open and honest communication and participation by all present,” he said, suggesting the week of October 15. He suggests funding for the session can be accommodated within the existing budget for training and education.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Barb says:

    The CAO’s objectives? What about Council’s objectives? Who runs that place?

  2. Doris Lane says:

    Just don’t spend money on things that are not necessary
    too many conferences etc are just a waste of the hard earned tax dollars that everyone has to cough up mid September. Use those dollars for the benefit of the County–everyone should know what they are doing by now

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