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Bad Neighbours raunchy and goofy

Bad Neighbours raunchy and goofy

I am not going to review the new Spiderman in any detail even though it’s a very good film, because I think there is an overwhelming sense of superhero fatigue. There are a lot of great elements in that film and if you’re a fan of the series then sure, it works. There’s a reason […]

Nobody flocking to Draft Day and that's a shame

Nobody flocking to Draft Day and that’s a shame

So here’s the thing: Before we go any further I have to declare a conflict of interest. I may not be the right guy to review Draft Day, the latest sports movie from Kevin Costner. I love football. I don’t just love it but I’m in love with it. I listen to people you’ve never […]

Who'll stop the rain?

Who’ll stop the rain?

So it came to me in a series of Hmmm moments. First I heard they were making the story of Noah into a film. Hmmmm. Ok . Sounds interesting. I never would have guessed, but OK, there is a really active Christian film circuit and this may be an extension of that. Right now, Son […]

Non Stop a delightful cultural equivalent of a hot fudge sundae

Non Stop a delightful cultural equivalent of a hot fudge sundae

Non Stop is really all about Liam Neeson. It’s up to him to pull this off and unlike Snakes On a Plane, which couldn’t help but be goofy, he has enough range to make it happen. For the record, I really like Liam Neeson. He’s a less angry Sean Connery. He has that booming Irish […]

Some surprises handed out with Oscars

Some surprises handed out with Oscars

So, there were some nice surprises at the Academy Awards. As predicted in this column, Mathew McConaughey won the best actor as well he should have. It was a compelling performance within a great film. His acceptance speech was a little weird but he’s allowed that. He went from mostly window dressing to a serious […]

Change that: Mathew McConaughey should win the Oscar Sunday

Change that: Mathew McConaughey should win the Oscar Sunday

I wanted to thank everyone who commented online or contacted me directly regarding my obituary for Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was obviously well respected and will be missed. Today I have to make a correction on my Oscar predictions. Originally, I predicted that Chiwetel Ejiofor would win for his commanding performance in 12 Years A […]

Hoffman - a legend passes

Hoffman – a legend passes

I don’t do a lot of obituaries but there are times when we lose someone of great stature and it deserves to be noted. Academy award winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died on February 2 of an apparent heroin overdose. When his body was recovered there was a syringe in his arm. Death was instantaneous. […]

And the award should go to...

And the award should go to…

I think one of the great decisions of late by the Academy Award braintrust was to expand the Best Picture nominees to 10. It really gives them a chance to highlight very good films that would otherwise slip through the elitist cracks and recognizes that half the time we have barely heard of the films […]

Anchorman 2 broadcasts from lame lane

Anchorman 2 broadcasts from lame lane

So, the legend of Ron Burgandy continues. My concern about this movie started when they announced that there was going to be an Anchorman 2 on the Conan O’Brien show and none of the other actors knew anything about it. I’m not sure why that seemed like a bad thing but normally there’s some buzz […]

Frozen is Disney at its finest

Frozen is Disney at its finest

Here’s hoping everyone had a great holiday season and that 2014 is a great year for everyone associated with this column. People who don’t read it won’t be able to have a fully actualized year because they’ll be missing all the insight and witty comments. Ya, that’s a loss. On with the review. As a […]

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